Services & pricing

I can help you with


price (per plant)
small $25
medium $35
large $45


price (per plant)
$25-$75 depending on size and plant type

Plant Maintenance/
Routine Plant Care

Prices based on the number of plants, including materials, and equipment, as well as how often the client would like plant care provided.
Weekly: $75
Bi-monthly: $125
Monthly: $150
1-5 plants: $100-$200 (per month)
6-10 plants: $200-$250 (per month)
11-15 plants: $300-450 (per month)
16-25 plants: $350-$600 (per month)


Diagnosing a plant is the first step in plant care.
up to 5 plants

Pest Control

Usually a bi-monthly treatment until cured. Pricing is depending on the number of plants infected.
price (per hour)
Organic only solutions, family and pet friendly.

Root/Foliage Trim

Inspecting the roots of a plant is just like inspecting the roots of a tooth from a dental hygienist perspective – the roots need to be cleaned and maintained, too!
price (per plant)
Cleaning/pruning dead or dying plant parts allows the plant to give it’s growing energy to healthy parts of the plant, instead of trying to save dying parts of itself.

Root Soaking/

Cleaning any plants roots is always a good idea, especially to discover if they are dried out, overwatered, stressed, damaged, root bound, or root rotted.
price (per day)
Relieving these symptoms from the plant usually requires the roots to be soaked in a hydrating, organic water-based solution to aid in recovery if plants express symptoms of illness.
This may sustain or extend the life of the plant, especially pest control is provided at the same time to ensure wholesome plant care.
Soak prices vary per plant depending on size and liquid volume of solution needed.

Soil and Substrates

Upgraded or higher recommendations for substrates vary per plant and will be given at time of service if plant/s show signs of illness or damage and require delicate treatment.
price (per quart)
Upgraded substrates include any recommendations outside of my own organic mix I have created. Soil fee included in repotting fee.

Plant Relocation

Pickup & Delivery services range from $50-$250 depending on the size of the plants and location.
Over 15 miles from Seattle, a mileage charge accrues.

Plant support structures

Hanging or mounting mechanisms. Need a plant supported properly to allow it to thrive? Adding support to the pot for the plant to climb or grow on can extend the life and health of the plant.
$25-100 depending on side of structure or plant holder. Cost of materials and services are due at the time of service, at time of pickup, or before return delivery.

Fish Tank Live (freshwater plants)

Request and consultation required for estimate depending on your creative ideas for the tank and how many plants in it.
price (per plant)

Real Estate Staging

price (per plant)
small $35
medium $55
large $75
Prices may vary.

Free plant advice

Reach out to me with any questions or concerns

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Have any questions or ready to book a service? Get in touch with me today!